Your Garage Door Won’t Close for These Exact Reasons

by | Jun 29, 2022 | Local Garage Door Repair Plymouth

There are various potential causes for a garage door that won’t close or doesn’t close all the way. Sometimes, the solution is a quick and easy fix. Other times, more intensive labor, repair parts, and expert knowledge about garage door repair are needed. Here are some of the most common:

Malfunctioning Door Tracks

The most typical reason a garage door will not close is that the tracks are not aligned correctly. The tracks are two rails parallel to each other and the garage door. The garage door runs vertically up and down these tracks when opening and closing.

If the tracks are not parallel, your garage door will have difficulty closing correctly. The only resolution is to identify where the tracks are not aligned. Once the why and where are determined, you must restore them to the correct position. The tracks may be beyond garage door repair and could need to be replaced entirely.

On the other hand, the tracks that your garage door runs on can become damaged and bent, making it difficult or even impossible to close. This wear and tear can happen more quickly if you have a heavy-duty garage door.

Track damage is usually the result of long-term use and heavy garage doors. Eventually, the tracks can become warped or blocked with debris. If you don’t address the issue, it will only worsen and could become a safety hazard.

To fix track damage, you need to identify where the track is damaged. In some instances, garage door repair is possible. But, depending on the damage extent, you may need to replace the entire track.

Sensor Problems

The sensors on your garage door are essential for its proper function. These sensors are small beam emitters mounted near the ground on either side of the door. They shoot an invisible beam of light across the opening of the door. If this beam is interrupted, it sends a signal to the receiver that prevents the door from closing.

To clean the sensors, wipe any dust or debris off the lenses. Once both lenses are clear, your garage door should close. If it does not close, the safety in the sensor may be faulty, or there could be an issue with another component of the door, in which case our team can help find a solution.

If your garage door isn’t closing and you’ve cleared the sensor lenses of dirt, the issue may be that the sensors have lost power. There’s usually a green light on both sensors that indicate they’re receiving power. If the light is turned off on both sensors, they’re not getting any power. Power outages can happen if a power cable gets unplugged, a fuse blows, or an electrical outage.

If the sensors are getting power, then they may be misaligned. Misaligned sensors won’t display a green light, similar to a power loss. If the light isn’t green, readjust the sensors until they’re perfectly aligned and the light turns green. There’s no need for garage door repair.

Get Garage Door Repair in Plymouth, MA, Today

If you’ve tried the tips mentioned above but still haven’t resolved the problems, contact Garage Door Repair Plymouth, MA, today! We’re licensed, insured, and bonded, so you have nothing to worry about. Get your free online quote by visiting our website or calling us at (508) 589-5216!

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The service was excellent. The appt. was between 12 & 2. The technician showed up exactly at noon. I was expecting to pay for a new motor but, the technician diagnosed the problem, replaced the circuit board, lubricated the various parts on the door & was finished…

David – ( Review)